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2014-02-04 02:17:16
Last author: GlamGamer
Owner: GlamGamer
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Mystic Academy

Mystic Academy- Mystics

Mystic Protectors

Maliek Hunters

The Main Campus This is where classes take place. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is served here, as well as there being feeders available to those who live on blood. The lower levels consist of gyms and a highly advanced training simulation room. The hospital ward is also here. Classrooms make up the second level, along with the cafeteria. And there is a library on the third and fourth floor of the west wing. The east wing of the third level is additional classrooms, and the east wing fourth level is where feeders are housed.

The Mystics Dorm The dorm is divided into a male and female wing. Mystic Teachers have private rooms and bathrooms on the upper levels. Students share two to each room with a half bath available for each room (a sink and toilet). There are male and female showers for the students to share. On the lower level there are two common lounges and a kitchen in case students or teacher would like to prepare their own meals.

The Protectors Dorm Similar to the mystics dorm, it is divided by male and female wings. Protector students are two to a room with a half bath for every two bedrooms. Common showers for males and females. The second level is for Protectors, but while they have separate rooms, they share common showers. There's a kitchen and two lounges- though smaller than the Mystic's, it's still well equipped.

The Pool This pool connects the back of the Protectors dorm to the back of the Mystic's dorm. The pool is for all to share, although there is a curfew for students. There is also a pool house that acts as a lounge for everyone to gather and hang out, play games and such.

The Greenhouse The green house is located to the west of the Main Campus, directly across from the dorms.

Gardens This is part of the gardens that wrap around the entire academy grounds, backing up to the Bayou. There is a large wrought iron fence that encompasses the grounds, keeping everything from alligators to hunters out. Warded by magic, the fence also makes the campus grounds appear smaller and like a regular boarding school to humans outside of the Mystic world and the Hunters.

The Koi Pond
This massive koi pond goes from inside the greenhouse and weaves around most of the gardens, holding probably hundreds of koi, people stopped keeping track. And there's room for more. The pond is only deep in certain areas, some areas are no more than about three to three and a half feet deep. The deepest being a mini lake at nearly six feet down.

The Bayou There's a large fence protecting the school, with animal wards so even baby alligators don't try to come in.

Some School Rules

1. Powers may not and cannot be used against students, teachers or Protectors.

2. Breakfast is served at 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Lunch is served from 11:30 PM to 12:30 AM. Dinner is served from 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM.

3. Classes begin at 8:30 PM and end at 3:45 AM. Classes are from Sunday night (8:30 PM) to Thursday morning(3:45 AM).

4. Curfew is at 6:00 AM with lights out at 8:00 AM on school days. Curfew on the 'week ends' (Friday and Saturday) is altered in order to allow students to be out during the days.

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2014-07-15 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette scowled at the ceiling, nodding or shaking her head now and then as she made her choices.

Andre went to the desk and started trying to hack into the French security systems so he could see what was happening there.

2014-07-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana left the cream and put the beaters into the sink. She nodded when saw the hot chocolate mixture was coming together.

Wrath was walking around the palce checking on students and staff.

Kitty ran across the garden and shifted from leopard to human within seconds. She managed to shift with all her clothes on apart from her shoes.

Rosetta was laying next to a flower bed, petting the flowers within reach.

2014-07-15 [GlamGamer]: Jaden was talking with the Protectors that were there, making a plan of action.

Antoinette finally had her list, or at least she hoped she did.

Damion was near Rosetta, her shoes next to him on the ground while he cat napped in the lounge chair. Now and then he'd open his eyes and take in his surroundings before resting again.

2014-07-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty walked into the palce and dhe soon found Jaden and the other protectors."So what's the plan?"

Luciana took the pan off the heat, poured the mixture into two mugs and she added the whipped cream, she squeezed chocolate sauce on and sprinkled marshmallows on top.

Rosetta looked over and giggled when she saw Damion napping. She made honeysuckle grown under the bench.

2014-07-15 [GlamGamer]: Jaden looked to her, "Most everyone plans on staying here, taking orders from the palace guards... Some plan on leaving.. not joining a war that isn't theirs.."

Damion smelled the flowers and smiled lightly

2014-07-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty nodded a little."I see. So yous all have fuck all?"

Rosetta giggled softly.

2014-07-15 [GlamGamer]: "Wait, what?" Jaden asked.

Damion opened his eyes and looked at her, "You seem happy here."

2014-07-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "I hear no plan what so ever. I hear a plan B but not a plan A."Kitty said with a shrug.

"I'm surrounded by nature, silly."Rosetta smiled.

2014-07-15 [GlamGamer]: Jaden chuckled, "Then please, give us your plan A.."

"Yeah, but you seem happier then when at school.."Damion shrugged

2014-07-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "First we can't use the safe houses because of fucking Delia. Delia knew all our protocals. So the vamps know what we'll do before we do it. So we need to go againdt protocol and fuck the system up. We can't stay here because we're sitting ducks for the vamps."Kitty ran a hand through her blonde hair."For thoses who wanna run cause it ain't your war? Well guess what, dumbasses. The vamps have started a war with every race, so deal with it and put on your big boy pants and stop being a coward."

"School keeps me locked up all day long. I don't get to be with nature for very long."Rosetta frowned a little then she rolled over to him.

Luciana knocked on the dance studio door with her foot."Antoinette! I have hot chocolate Hell style. Open up."

2014-08-05 [GlamGamer]: [I swear I replied... >.<]

Jaden raised a brow, waiting for her to finish, then he looked at the others to give their opinion. When no one spoke, he looked at Kitty. "Alright, you've said your bit, but what we need is a plan. I personally wont be stopping anyone if they want to leave, but I also wont be going out to save their asses." He waited, then nodded, "I think what we need to do is go to the Colonel. We can work as another regiment under him for now."

Damion smiled a little, "True."

The door opened a crack for her, but she didn't move from where she was laying in the middle of the dance floor.

2014-08-05 [Cerulean Sins]: "We need to do something that will catch Delia off guard."Kitty said.

Rosetta smiled brightly as she looked up at the sky.

Luciana kicked the door open gently and walked into the room."Hey."She smiled as walked over to Antionette and sat down."Here you go."She held out the mug.

2014-08-05 [GlamGamer]: "Like what, she knows how we think.." Jaden sighed heavily and ran a hand threw his hair.

Damion closed his eyes again.

Antoinette sat up, taking the cup, "Thank you..." She whispered.

2014-08-05 [Cerulean Sins]: "Which is why we do somethings unexpected and shocking."Kitty said as she put her hands on her hips.

Rosetta streached against the grass."Mmmhmmm....I feel like the earth is hugging me."

"Your welcome."Luciana smiled.

2014-08-05 [GlamGamer]: "Like what?" Jaden asked, brow raising again.

Damion chuckled softly, "I think it is.."

Antoinette took a sip and sighed heavily. She looked at her, "Luciana, I know this is going to be weird for you, but I can't figure out why I like Wrath.." She frowned, "And I'm trying to figure it out so it can stop."

2014-08-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "I don't know. We do something that we're not aloud to do, Jaden."Kitty shrugged.

"I never want to leave."Rosetta rolled againsts the ground like a cat.

"Ewww that it's my brother you like but awww you have a crush." Luciana took a sip of her drink."In my experiance people only are interested in Stars for the power and at a chance to kill my dad."Luciana shrugged."You want to stop these feelings then you should speak to my dad's ex-wife Lilith." She frowned a little.  Dad...have you spoken to Lilith? You haven't pissed her off or anything?. She sent to her fathers mind. She remember who the Queen of all Vampires is and that would be her dad's ex wife Lilith. Lilith had been the human to nurse Lucifer when he fell from God's Grace, during that time of Lucifer's brief time on earth he and Lilith had fallen in love with each other. Lilith had sadly gotten ill but Lucifer had turned Lilith into a Vampire and she was the first one of Lucifer's monsters not to go insane or die. The only one to cause this war would be Lilith and it seems she wants revenge against Lucifer. Luciana felt a little hurt that Lilith wanted her dead.

2014-08-06 [GlamGamer]: "Like what? Send a bunch of kids out with sticks to defend themselves with?"

Damion chuckled softly, "Then we won't."

"I don't want to kill your father.." Antoinette frowned, "Lucifer was married? Really?" She shrugged a little and then sighed, hiding her face in her arms.

Lately? Not really, not exactly. And honestly I think Lilith is pissed of where I'm concerned without any help from me. Why do you ask?

2014-08-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "No but we teach those white lily students who aren't in our Protector classes how to defend themselves. At least them we'll give some students a chance at living."Kitty said as she glared a little at Jaden.

"Yeah, he married Lilith. Sadly dad is a player and played around one too many times and Lilith got pissed off and left him. Lilith is now Queen of the Vampires."Luicana said softly. Do you think the one that started this war? Do you think she could have sent that vampire to kill me?

2014-08-06 [GlamGamer]: Jaden nodded, "Fine, we'll train them more like Protectors."

Antoinette frowned a little, "He's immortal, no offense to Lilith, but he's bound to get bored." She said calmly, "Of course, it's different for us. Most Fey have a loveror two on the side throughout our lives. We live too long to not want to. I used to have a half brother on my ddad's side, he was killed when he was our age... left home without Protectors."

2014-08-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "Delia won't expect that and that means a few extra vamps will be dead." Kitty said.

"Yes but Lilith was human before she was turned into vampire. To be fair Dad should have knocked her up before he turned her then he would have a true heir."Luciana shrugged."Anyways your crush on Wrath is normal and you can't help who you fancy. If you want to stop crushing on Wrath then get yourself a boyfriend, hun. And not chocolate doesn't count as a boyfriend."Luciana grinned.

2014-08-06 [GlamGamer]: "Hopefully." Jaden said, pushing his hand threw his hair.

Antoinette nodded a little, then grinned, "Are you sure chocolate doesn't count? I feel like it should." She sighed and set her cup down, laying back, "I can't just up and get a boyfriend.. I don't know how to talk to guys."

2014-08-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty nodded a little."Yeah, here's hoping."

"What about Claude? Or Damion? Or does he have to be Fey?" Luciana asked then shrugged a little.

2014-08-07 [GlamGamer]:

Jaden smirked a bit, "Made ye flinch."

Antoinette sent the guard out to start searching for volunteer feeders, and to keep his eyes out for the vampires.

2014-08-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty snarled a little at him.

"Wrath!"Luciana shouted when she saw her brother.

Wrath sighed when he heard Luciana, he turned around."What?"

2014-08-07 [GlamGamer]: Jaden smirked and kept circling her.

Antoinette looked at Wrath, deciding to let Luciana tell him.

2014-08-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty stood still but kept an eye on him.

"We forgot the feeders for the vamps we have here, bruh."Luciana said simply.

Wrath nodded."I know but all we need to do is find volunteers."

"Volunteers for what?"Claude asked.

"Vamps need blood and we forgot the feeders."Luciana said to Claude then she looked at Wrath."I'm not letting any vampire bite me. I think our family has given the vampires enough with the whole creating their race thing."

2014-08-07 [GlamGamer]: Jaden lunged again before jumping back, playing cat and mouse with her.

Antoinette frowned a little, "I know Fey and Nymphs may end up volunteering, so we also will need Protectors there to watch them. Our blood is too much, they want more."

2014-08-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty didn't move when he jumped at her, she just watched.

"I'll volunteer."Claude said with a shrug.

"Feedings should be supervised by the Protectors just in case something happens."Luciana said, agreeing with Antionette.

2014-08-07 [GlamGamer]: Jaden grinned, "Good kitty."

A guard came over, "M'lady, we've found all but one according to the other Vampires. One named Victoria, they say she took a walk, but we've yet to find her."

Ant nodded a little, "Check the darkest halls we have, I believe she is injured, so be careful."

2014-08-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty smirked."You think so, huh, demon?" She asked.

"Spread out and search for her. We need to find her and feed her."Luciana nodded then she went in search of Victoria.

"Bitch hunt, yay."Claude chuckled then he went looking for Victoria.

"Be careful everyone."Wrath said.

2014-08-07 [GlamGamer]: Jaden grinned more, "Mmhmm" oh he knew he was in trouble for that one.

Antoinette nodded and went with the guard as the spread out to look for Victoria.

Victoria pushed herself further into a corner, half asleep

2014-08-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty waited until he got close enough that she punched his gut as she kicked the back of his legs.

"Victoria!"Claude called as he searched for her.

Luciana searched for Victoria as she spread the word to everyone she came across.

2014-08-07 [GlamGamer]: Jaden grunted, then grabbed her leg as she kicked, yanking her closer.

Victoria sighed when she heard her name, "What?" She called put, grumbling a little.

2014-08-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty offted a little when he yanked her closer."You look like you need a kiss. How about a Glasgow Kiss?"She smirked and headbutted him.

Claude jogged a little over to Victoria."Hey we've been looking for you."

2014-08-07 [GlamGamer]: Jaden let her go and staggered back a little. He decided to go down, doing a backward roll away from her.

Victoria snorted a laugh, "I thought you'd all be glad the be rid of me." She barely opened her eyes.

2014-08-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty staggered back when he let her go then she took her stance

Claude shook his head."You might be a bitch but we heard what you did for Rosetta Belle. So you can't be all that bad." He knelt down in front of herher.

2014-08-07 [GlamGamer]: Jaden popped back up onto his feet, taking a stance.

Victoria gave a little shrug, "She's the first person to trear me like a.... Like a person since I became the bitch I hated in Russia."

2014-08-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "Aw didn't like the kiss?" Kitty smirked.

"Well thats Rosetta for ya, sweet to her very core. She has to be to put up with Damion."Claude chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

2014-08-08 [GlamGamer]: Jaden shrugged, "Eh, you're not that good at kissing. Maybe we should practice that some day."

Victoria's grey eyes fluttered open and she looked at him, then looked to his throat before pushing herself away from him. "You should probably run.."

2014-08-08 [Cerulean Sins]: "In your dreams, demon."Kitty scoffed.

Claude shook his head."Your hunrgy and we forgot to bring feeders. So some students will be volunteering to feed the vampires hers under supervision of the Protectors."He said as he moved closer to her until he had her pinned to the wall, he slowly moved her head to his neck."You need to feed now, Victoria and we don't have time to wait for a Protector to watch. So feed."

2014-08-08 [GlamGamer]: Jaden ginned, "Aw, come on, it's more fun than it seems."

Victoria whimpered, pushing herself harder and harder into the wall, but she didn't have the strength to fight him hen he moved her head to his throat. She couldn't help it after that. She felt his plse against her lips and shifted, biting down on his neck. Her venom eased the initial pain of the bite, instead making him feel warm and pleasant

2014-08-08 [Cerulean Sins]: "Oh I know but with you? I'd rather be tossed into a pitch full of slug demons."Kitty smirked.

Claude gasped when he felt her fangs in his neck and the pain that came with it then he felt pleasant."There you go."He said as he stoked her hair gently.

2014-08-08 [GlamGamer]: Jaden laughed, "Oh, trying to punch with your words since you hit like Justin Bieber?" He smirked.

Victoria put her hands on his chest, intending to push him away but she still didn't have that kind of strength, and maybe not the self control.

2014-08-08 [Cerulean Sins]: "You keep going down that route and I'll shift and mall you to death."Kitty snarled.

Claude was happy he could cross this off his bucket list.

2014-08-08 [GlamGamer]: Jaden just chuckled a little and bowed his head, "Very well, that was a little harsh. I think even Antoinette hits harder than that... thing."

Victoria pushed him until he was the one sitting and she was straddling him. Shemoved one hand into his hair, drinking deeply. That is until she realized what she was doing and she yanked her fangs out, shoving herself back hard enough that when she smacked into the wall, she put a whole in it.

2014-08-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty nodded just a little."It's a shame that he's one of us."She said in disgust.

Claude grinned a little when Victoria staddled him."Victoria..."Then he fell back a little when she shoved herself back against the wall."Holy okay?"He asked as he touched his neck.

2014-08-08 [GlamGamer]: Jaden nodded, "Its against our vows to kill the moron." He sighed and then went for her again.

Victoria rubbed the back of her head a little, "Sorry... sorry.." she said quietly, she was also blushing about as hard as a vampire could.

2014-08-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty groaned."Don't remind me of that fact."She did back flips aways from him.

"It's okay. Chill Victoria you needed to feed. Now let's run before anyone sees this hole in the wall you made."Claude stood up and held his hand out to Victoria.

2014-08-08 [GlamGamer]: Jaden chuckled softly, "Sorry, but you have to suffer with me."

Victoria licked the blood off her lips and then stood slowly, taking his hand. She was still a little shaky on her feet, but her wounds were healing.

2014-08-08 [Cerulean Sins]: "Sadly."Kitty ran at him, dropped down to floor, slid under his legs and stood up and kicked his back.

Claude helped her up slowly."There you go. Feel better? Yes well let's high tail it out of here before Antoinette bills us for the wall."He chuckled.

2014-08-08 [GlamGamer]: Jaden grunted and turned it into a roll forward, getting back on his feet and turning back to her. He started coming at her quickly, eventually landing a punch on her side.

Victoria nodded a little, giving a little smile before they started walking.

2014-08-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty grunted when he punched her side, she staggered aside then she did a spinning kick to his face.

Claude walked with Victoria."So why where you hiding?"

2014-08-08 [GlamGamer]: Jaden hissed and as he fell, he kicked her legs out from under her.

Victoria sighed, "I've hurt enough people that I thought it would be better if I just... Went away."

2014-08-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty yelped when she fell to the ground, she grunted when she hit the floor.

"Suicide, huh? Naw that's's not fair on you or anyone, Victoria. You want to make up for hurting so many people then change." Claude said with a shrug.

2014-08-08 [GlamGamer]: Jaden rolled away from her, rubbing his jaw before getting up again.

Victoria shrugged a little, "I know.. But I've been on the receiving end of bullying before. I don't think I'd trust my tormentor if she apologized.

2014-08-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty got onto her feet and took her stance.

"Prove yourself to everyone."Claude shrugged.

2014-08-08 [GlamGamer]: Jaden got into his stance and spit out a little blood, grinning like a maniac. His teeth were covered in blood, giving him an even creeper look.

Victoria looked at him, "Mmm, you act like it's easy, but then again. Everyone loves you, specially the ladies." She said, then looked away, shrugging. "I'm just going to see if Wrath will trust me enough to let me fight with the Protectors. Maybe I'll get killed in battle and suddenly be a hero." She snickered a little. She hated that about history. How cruel people somehow became heros because they died in batle.

2014-08-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty ran at him throughing some punches.

"Charm of being me and growing up around women."Claude shrugged."Every Protector dreams of dying and becoming a hero."

2014-08-08 [GlamGamer]: Jaden blocked a couple and threw some of his own.

Victoria chuckled softly. "Protectors start out as heroes, not villains."

2014-08-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty blocked and threw some punches of her own, grunted when she felt his punches.

"You've met Wrath, right?"Claude chuckled.

2014-08-08 [GlamGamer]: Jaden growled and grabbed her, trying to pin her to tge wall.

Victoria laughed, "Okay, aside from one easily pissed off Angel, they start as heroes. And, Wrath is a hero to some."

2014-08-09 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty snarled as she struggled to get free but she head butted him.

"First, Wrath is an evil SOB of a god in student protectors eyes. Second, yeah you have a slight point."Claude said with a smile.

2014-08-09 [GlamGamer]: Jaden grunted and stumbled a little, taking them to the floor instead. He rolled away from her.

Victoria nodded, "I know." She said with a fake tone of snobbishness, then smiled a little. "Certainly in Antoinette's eyes.. I feel bad for her. It's not easy having a crush on a guy that sees you for something you're not."

2014-08-09 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty rolled away from him and got onto her feet.

"Wrath isn't allowed any romantic relationships. In a battle you have your lover and your client. Who do you protect? Lover or Client? Correct anwser is client because Protectors don't have lovers. So once Graduation is over with every new Protector is doomed to live a life as a nun. No booze, no nothing."Claude sighed.

2014-08-09 [GlamGamer]: Jaden took a moment to get up, but he was watching her carefully.

"Unless of course you enter the private sector like Damion's parents, otherwise he wouldn't be around. His parents were Protectors in their youth and when they fell in love, they were lucky enough that the clients they were protecting were happy to hire them privately, Roses parents. Then again, I think those two families have been together for a very long time." Victoria shrugged a little. She knew a lot about it because she had cousins who had become Protectors, much to the disdain of their parents. Who would carry the Lord line if they were not able to take mates? The loophole was that families could hiring Protectors privately and give them a change to have relationships.

2014-08-09 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty took her stance as she watched him carefully.

"Protector council only allows 10% of Protectors to do the private gig. Yeah Rosetta and Damion's families have been friends for the better part of...I think 600 years."Claude shrugged."It could be longer Damion told me once."

2014-08-09 [GlamGamer]: Jaden stood and wiped at his bleeding nose.

Victoria frowned a little, "I understand why they do it, but it's a little... Strange to me. Then again, I'm expected to mate in the next few years and that's how it's always been... A pawn used to keep peace with another clan." She gave a little shrug.

2014-08-09 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty narrowed her eyes a little at him.

"Whoa medieval shit. Bummer."Claude frowned.

2014-08-09 [GlamGamer]: Jaden grinned again and rushed her again.

Victoria shrugged a little, "It'll be fine. It's one of the ways to keep my family safe from a war with another clan." She frowned, "Though, it may not matter at the end of all of this."

2014-08-09 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty ran at him, jumped into the air and landed on his shoulders, trapping his head between her her thighs as they fell to the ground, she landed on his chest.

"Yeah, at war and we're sitting ducks."Claude sighed.

2014-08-09 [GlamGamer]: Jaden made his nails grow, digging them into her thighs.

"It's not too bad here, but it's not somewhere we can stay forever." Victoria frowned and sighed

2014-08-09 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty snarled loudly in pain then she squeezed her thighs harder against his head.

Claude nodded."I know."He sighed.

2014-08-09 [GlamGamer]: Jaden growled, dragging his hands down so he left large scrates.

Victoria lookex at him, "Thank you by the war."

2014-08-09 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty yelped and she started punching his face."

"Your welcome."Claude said with a shrug.

2014-08-09 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty yelped and she started punching his face."

"Your welcome."Claude said with a shrug.

2014-08-11 [GlamGamer]: Jaden opened his mouth and eventually clamped down on one of her fists.

Victoria frowned, "I may have killed you.. You realize that right?"

2014-08-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty gasped then she yelped and after a moment she reached back, gripped his crotch and squeezed painfully tight."Let go!"

"Yeah I knew but you wouldn't of killed me."Claude said with a shrug.

2014-08-11 [GlamGamer]: Jaden bit down harder for a moment, a warning that she had to let go too, then he let her go, easing his nails from her legs too.

Victoria shrugged, "I'm young, many loose control when feeding."

2014-08-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty slowly let go of his crotch once his nails was out of her legs, she let go of his crotch then she punched his nose, breaking it. She rolled off him.

"But I had faith in you."Claude said.

2014-08-11 [GlamGamer]: Jaden did go after her, just stayed there. Eventually he felt along his nose and then broke it back into place, growling a little.

Victoria stopped walking altogether, "Okay, you don't have to pretend, I know you think I'm a bitch, so why have faith in me?"

2014-08-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty rolled onto her feet and took her stance, watching him.

"Hello you forget that I'm air. I'm so laid back that I'm almost laying down, Victoria. The fact you helped Rosetta out just shows that your not that much of a bitch. I know Rosetta can hold her own in a fight because that nymph has a temper like no ones business. Did you know she got sooo mad at me at Damion's family BBQ that she made Honeysuckle grow from my head which caused Damion's family chasing me around the garden trying to eat me? Yeah Rosetta has a mean side which is why I stay on her goodside always."Claude paused for a moment."Sorry I was rambling. My bad."He grinned.

2014-08-12 [GlamGamer]: Jaden grabbed a little nose clip, meant to keep water from getting into your nose when swimming and clipped his nose so the bleeding would slow. He gave another bloody smirk and looked at the guard watching them, "Don't worry, we've always stopped just short of killing each other."

Victoria laughed and covered her mouth because she wasn't used to doing that in front of others.

2014-08-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "Sometimes..."Kitty chuckled softly as she took her stance.

"Bonus! Made you laugh, I can cross that off my bucket list."Claude grinned.

2014-08-12 [GlamGamer]: "Yeah, but Wrath is too busy to revive either one of us, just remember that." Jaden took his stance and cracked his muscels.

Victoria raised her brow, "I was on your bucket list?"

2014-08-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "Busy with what?"Kitty asked.

"Not really. I just wanted to make someone laugh who I've never seen laugh genuinely before. Oh and to be bitten by a vampire. Oh two things, awesome."Claude smiled.

2014-08-14 [GlamGamer]: Jaden shrugged, "I imagine his father has put him at the forefront of this war, and Antoinette has never been to war. He has. His knowledge will be valuable." He shrugged a little. She was close to beating him, but he wasn't really showing it. Nor would he be easy to take down.

Victoria frowned as she stared at him, not quiet knowing what to do with him really. She opened her mouth to respond when she ended up colliding with him. "Sorry..." She muttered before taking a step away and looking at what had hit the back of her legs. She shook her head a little and leaned down, picking up a little vampire girl. "What is it Luna?"

The little girl pointed to where a guard was coming down the hall. He was one of the ones trying to round up the vampires, some of whom had scattered thinking they may be kicked out because of what their cousins had done.

2014-08-14 [Cerulean Sins]: "Of course, Lucifer has. I would say this isn't his war but sadly it has became his war once they went after his only daughter. Seriously such a big mistake."Kitty sighed and shook her head a little.

"It's okay..."Claude smiled a little then he looked at the small vampire girl and over to the guard."Aw dude, hey! No need to panic I found Victoria. You can tell Luciana, Antoinette and the rest of the search party to chill."

2014-08-14 [GlamGamer]: "I'm sure it wouldn't have even taken that much to get him involved honestly." Jaden watched her carefully.

The guard nodded a little as he slowed down and then stopped. He turned and went to tell the others.

Victoria held the girl close,"They're good guys, I promise." She said softly.

2014-08-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty shrugged."That's true."

Claude looked at the girl."Your safe here, little one."

2014-08-14 [GlamGamer]: Jaden smirked, "Giving up? "

Luna spelled at him for a moment, looking at Victoria to confirm.
.Victoria nodded a little.

2014-08-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty blinked a little."Sorry, I went into another world."She chuckled.

Claude smiled.

2014-08-18 [GlamGamer]: Jaden smirked a little, "Too bad I'm a gentleman."

(By the way, that was supposed to be starred, not spelled... lmao)

Luna looked at Victoria, "I just want to go home.." Her bottom lip trembled.

2014-08-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty laughed."You a gentleman? As if."

"You will soon."Claude said softly.

2014-08-18 [GlamGamer]: "You weren't paying attention, and I didn't attack." Jaden grinned a little.

Luna looked at him, still not sure she trusted him.

2014-08-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Luna rolled her eyes.

Claude smiled."Shall we go find Luciana and Antoinette?"

2014-08-19 [GlamGamer]: Jaden smirked a little and lunged for her.

Victoria nodded, "Sure." The little girl hesitantly agreed.

2014-08-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty did a back flip away from him.

"I'll give ya a piggy back ride." Claude smiled.

2014-08-20 [GlamGamer]: Jaden kept going after her until he grabbed her ankle and forced her back over to him.

Luna eyed him a little, "What is that?"

2014-08-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty had been in mid air when he grabbed her ankles, she yelped as her head hit the ground and he dragged her over to him.

Claude smiled and knelt down."Sit on my shoudlers."

2014-08-20 [GlamGamer]: "Give up yet?" Jaden asked as he pinned her down.

Victoria helped the little girl get on his shoulders.

2014-08-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty groaned as she held her head.

Claude held the girl's ankles as he stood up.

2014-08-20 [GlamGamer]: "Well?" Jaden asked as he put on hand on the scratches on her thighs, squeezing the wounds.

Luna yelped when he stood, grabbing onto his head.

2014-08-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty snarled in pain and she kicked his head with her free leg.

Claude chuckled."Don't worry, I wouldn't let you fall."

2014-08-20 [GlamGamer]: Jaden growled and rolled off of her, holding his head.

Luna kept hold of his head anyway, blocking his eyesight.

Victoria stepped around to the front and took her hands, moving them to Claudesforehead so he could see. "IIt's okay, you're safe."

"Have you ever done this?" Luna asked, making Victoria chuckle as she shook her head. "Then you don't know forsure."

2014-08-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty moved away from him and stood up.

Claude smiled."You'll be fine." He said as he walked.

Rosetta laughed softly as it started to rain very heavily in the garden.

2014-08-21 [GlamGamer]: Jaden struggled to his feet. He was wide open for an attack that would finish him.

Victoria smiled a little, "I never did do this Luna, like you, my parents were more worried about teaching me stealth and spying. But, I've been trained to know who to trust." She glanced at Claude before looking at the girl, " You can trust him."

Luna nodded a little, accepting that without question.

Damion woke up from his nap when it started to rain.

2014-08-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty ran at him and kicked his back.

"And I feel honnored."Claude smiled.

Rosetta stood in the rain, arms open as she looked up at the fat drops of water pouring down onto the earth.

2014-08-21 [GlamGamer]: Jaden grunted and fell back to the ground.

Victoria smiled a little and looked at Luna.

Damion grumbled a little and moved under the tree more.

2014-08-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty stood ove him,watching him."Do you cave?"

Claude bounced Luna a little on his shoulders.

Rosetta looked over at Damion."Teddy! Come enjoy the rain!" She smiled brightly.

2014-08-22 [GlamGamer]: Jaden growled a little, thinking about it. This would be the second time she'd won in a row. It irked him a little. "Only if you kiss my wounds." He said through a bloody smile.

Luna squeaked and then giggled a little.

Damion scowled a little, "No, I'm good."

2014-08-23 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty laughed and kicked his lower back."No."

Claude chuckled and ran down the hallway then stopped then turned around and ran back to Victoria.

Rosetta ran over to Damion and grabbed his hands, she pulled and tried to get him out into the rain."Ugh! Why won't you move?!"She groaned as she pulled.

2014-08-23 [GlamGamer]: Jafen grunted and laughed, "Worth a shot."

Luna squealed and laughed patting his head, "Again!"

Damion watched her, then he started luaghing, "Cuase, rain and bears are no goes unless there's fish involved. Then maybe."

2014-08-23 [Cerulean Sins]: "Do you give in?"Kitty growled.

Claude chuckled."Okay. Hold on."He ran down the hallway then ran back to Victoria.

Rosetta glared at him."Meany."

2014-08-23 [GlamGamer]: Jaden waved a hand, "don't get your panties in a bunch, I give in."

Luna giggled loudly, asking him to do it several time, and asking him to go faster each time.

Victoria laughed, "Luna, he can't run as fast as a vampire."

Damion stood for her, "Why do you like the rain so much anyway? "

2014-08-25 [Cerulean Sins]: "Good." Kitty smirked.

"I may not have Vampire speed but I have Air speed."Claude grinned and he moved as fast as the wind.

"Rain gives life to the Earth, Damion. The rain gives me life."Rosetta smiled as she swayed her arms and Damions arms from side to side.

2014-08-25 [GlamGamer]: "Yeah yeah, smirk it up. I'll get you one day." Jaden grinned a little

Luna squealed and giggled, holding on.

Damion huffed and rolled his eyes, picking her up and spinning her around, moving out into the rain with her. For her, he'd do anything.

2014-08-27 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah when I have the flu."Kitty rolled her eyes.

Claude chuckled as he ran up and down the hall.

Rosetta squealed in delight when he picked her up and spun her around then she hugged him the best she could when they went out into the rain."Yay!"

2014-08-27 [GlamGamer]: Jaden smirked a little, "Exactly."

Luna laughed and laughed.

Damion hugged her back, "Mhmm, but I deserve honey smoked salmon after this."

2014-08-28 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty rolled her eyes at him.

Claude stopped and panted heavily.

"Deal!" Rosetta smiled brightly up at him.

2014-08-28 [GlamGamer]: Jaden started to get up, wincing lightly add he did.

"Again?" Luna peered down at him.

Damion shook his head a little and started twirling her around again.

2014-08-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty watched him get up."I would say go to the med ward but I don't think the Princess has a med ward."

Claude panted heavily."Give me a second."

Rosetta laughed happily as she got spun.

2014-08-30 [GlamGamer]: Jaden waved a hand, "I don't need a med clinic." He said as he stretched out a little so he would be so sore.

Luna pouted a little, then looked at Victoria as she walked up. "I'm hungry."

"Come here then." Victoria said, taking her down from Claude's shoulders and finding a place to sit down. "What have you been practicing?"

Luna sat on her lap and frowned a little, "Being gentle. Feeders are our friends, a life source and we have to respect them and treat them gently." Young vampires had to be taught how to control their venom. Too much and it became painful for the feeders and could even lead to painful partial transformations. So, at school the younger vampires fed from either siblings or volunteers.

Damion chuckled softly.

2014-09-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty rolled her eyes."Stubborn man."

Claude sat down next to them and held his wrist out to Luna."Here. Feed from me, little one."

Rosetta smiled happily as she held onto Damion as he spun her.

2014-09-03 [GlamGamer]: Jaden grinned a little, "Yeah, have you met Lucifer?"

Victoria shook her head a little, "She could hurt you, possibly kill you if she gets nervous."

"Thank you though." Luna said, suddenly shy. When Victoria offered her wrist, she bit down.

Victoria grimaced a little, "Calm down, it's only Claude. Less venom." She coached gently. "Baby vampires are the most dangerous." She looked at Claude, "Like other venomous creatures, the younger ones are more potent because they haven't learned to control it yet. It's a defense mechanism too. They don't have the physical strength, so nature made their venom more powerful."

Damion stopped spinning once he was getting dizzy, grinning a little.

2014-09-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty shook her head."Nope." She lied smoothly.

Claude nodded."Okie-doke smokey."

Rosetta giggled as the world spun."Dizzyness...."

2014-09-08 [GlamGamer]: "Well, he's the king of stubborn. King of a lot of things." Jaden shrugged and wiped his mouth. "I'm going to go get cleaned up."

Victoria chuckled softly and looked at him, "Liked it huh?" She teased with a little smirk.

Damion chuckled and nodded a little, resting his forehead on hers.

2014-09-08 [Cerulean Sins]: "Sounds like you."Kitty said with a smirk.

Claude shrugged."I'm not sure. I'm kinda on the fence about it. Only did it so you didn't bite yourself and become very ill or attack a poor student. Offered the same to the munchkin here."Claude was very honest but that was due to his air element.

Rosetta smiled at Damion."Thank you, Teddy but let's go inside before you get a cold."

2014-09-25 [GlamGamer]: Jaden grinned a little, "Yeah well, I'm a good little demon." He snickered softly before limping away.

Victoria chuckled softly, "Well, I can assure you I wasn't going to bite myself.. Whether I'd bitten someone else, well, that isn't always in our control." She winced and tensed, "Luna."

Damion smiled, "I'm alright. A little old cold can't take me down."

2014-10-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty shook her head a little as she watches hrim leave.

Claude shrugged."Okay. Just trying to help."

Rosetta smiled."Well I'm hunrgy. Lets go raid the kitchen."

2014-11-03 [GlamGamer]: Jaden sighed heavily as he walked down the hall. He sure as hell hoped the security was as good as the Princess thought it was. He'd get his ass kicked if they showed up now.

Victoria nodded a little, "Thank you for that."

Damion nodded and picked her up, putting her over her shoulder before running inside.

2014-11-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty rubbed the back of her neck as she stares out the window.

Claude nodded with a smile.

Rosetta squealed."Damion!!" She laughed.

2014-11-05 [GlamGamer]: There was a flash at the barrier, almost like lightning. The vampires were trying to get in.

Victoria stiffened, "Took them long enough to get here." She whispered and then looked at Luna who had stopped drinking and had tucked herself between Victoria and Claude, big bright eyes peeking out.

Damion smirked and set her down once they were inside. He jumped a little at the flash and glared at the sky, "I don't think that was real..."

2014-11-05 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yup and I do believe it's time to run like the wind to the others."Claude said softly, trying not to scare Luna.

Rosetta eeepped loudly and looked up at the sky."Teddy...we need to go now."She said in a scared voice as she felt the earth sending her a 'Run for your life' vibe."They found us, the vampires are here."

2014-11-06 [GlamGamer]: "Will they hold?" Antoinette asked the Colonel as they walked to the war room. She'd already sent people to get the Protectors to lead them there.
"For a few hours. Longer if we send people out to maintain them. But they'll have to be close to the barrier to keep it up." The man replied, deep scowl on his face.
"I don't want to risk that if we don't have to. What are our weapons like?"
"Weapons are good. We have archers getting ready now. I was thinking that sending flaming arrows is our best bet."

Victoria nodded and picked up Luna, "Do you want to race Claude now?" Luna nodded, clinging to Victoria.

Teddy took her hand and gave it a squeeze, "Don't worry. We'll be alright." He said in a calm voice as he started walking.

2014-11-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana followed Antoinette to the war room."The vampires move super fast, dude. You need to get some fire elements out to kill the vamps. Or I'll summon my hell hounds and let them loose on them."

"Ready....steady....go!"Claude ran as fast as he could.

Rosetta followed him as she held his hand."Hope your right."

2014-11-07 [GlamGamer]: "My archers are wind elements. They'll get the shot. We've trained for it." Antoinette smiled a little before looking back to her men, "Yes, I agree that we should use fire arrows though.. Just a normal arrow will only slow them down."

Victoria ran on go.

Damion smiled a bit, "I am."

2014-11-09 [Cerulean Sins]: "Good."Luciana said with a nod.

Claude kept running until he got to the hall where the other with Victoria and Luna close behind him.

Rosetta frowned as they walked.

2014-11-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette looked at the big oak table as a soldier rolled out a large and detailed map of her home and the grounds.

Jaden looked over as Victoria and Claude came in. He still looked fairly beat up, but most people knew not to question what had happened to him. "Victoria, drop the little off with the others, then come join us."

Victoria nodded and went down a different hall where the vampire children were being rounded up.

Damion frowned and looked at her, "Maybe you should go take care of the Nymph kids? I don't like the idea of you being near the fighting.."

2014-11-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana turned around when she saw her brother, Wrath."Hey Wrath. Where have you been?"

Wrath nodded."Luciana. I've been speaking to father about ex step-mother Lilith. I think father might brave speaking to her about why the vamps are attacking and why they tried and failed to kill you, Luciana."

Claude waved bye to Luna."See ya kiddo."He smiled as he went over to Jaden.

Kitty was busy rounding up all the stray students into one room.

"Teddy I'll be fine."Rosetta said softly as she looked at him.

2014-11-14 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette gripped the side of the table and shivered. She closed her eyes briefly, as most of the earth elements were at the moment. She took a deep breath, "Right, go find fire elements that wish to volunteer. Make sure they're fast enough for our archers, if you notice they aren't, pull them away and find someone else to cover them. I don't want them slowing down the archer...Also." She looked outside, "Find volunteers who know how to create barriers. Let them know they'll be on the front-lines and that there will probably be casualties. Don't force anyone into it though. Have others behind them ready to fight should the vampires break through the barriers." She said softly before finally opening her eyes.

Damion frowned, ready to argue, but decided against it since they were nearly to the group forming around Jaden and the other Protectors.

"Good, most of the ones I expected are here, let's join the others. Apparently they have a War Room." Jaden jerked his head and led the way down the halls.

2014-11-14 [Cerulean Sins]: "Dad is going to speak to Queen vampire bitch Lilith? Their either gonna fuck each other or try and kill each other."Lucianaa sighed as she shook her head.

"I'm pretty sure both will happen."Wrath scoffed as he listened to Antoinette's war plan and he was impressed.

Rosetta patted Damion's arm."Go follow the protectors. I'll go see how the earth nymphs are getting on. Be careful, teddy."

"A war room? Wow."Claude said as he followed Jaden and the others.

2014-11-14 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette listened to the Colonel as he explained their weakest parts of their defenses. She sighed softly and nodded, agreeing to his suggestions.

Damion nodded a little, giving her a hug, " Be safe."

Jaden nodded,"Apparently they haven't used it since the peace treaty with the Vampires almost a hundred years ago."

2014-11-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana and Wrath stood back as they listened to the Colonel.

Rosetta hugged him tightly."I always am, Teddy. You be careful too."

"Cool."Claude said softly.

2014-11-17 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded a little and agreed to a plan of action.

Damion smiled and then jogged to catch up.

Jaden nodded and walked quickly. When he spotted a group of soldiers gathered, getting armor and weapons he stopped, nodding to the students and young Protectors. "Join them, take your orders, got it? Claude, Damion, you two with me." He continued into the war room.

2014-11-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta watched him go then she walked over to the Nymphs.

Claude grinned and walked to the war room.

2014-11-17 [GlamGamer]: Victoria ran past Rosetta, then stopped, going back to her. She winced a little because the nymphs took a few steps from her or looked terrified. "Here." She pulled a knife from her boot, then took off the sheath for it. "This has dead man's blood in the etching. It'll paralyze a vamp for a bit, give you time to get away."

Damion frowned, "Why us?"

Jaden looked at them,"Because you two and Victoria were requested."

2014-11-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "Victoria!"Rosetta smiled and hugged her tightly."Your okay!"

"Requested?"Claude asked.

2014-11-20 [GlamGamer]: Victoria returned he hug awkwardly, "Um.. Yeah, I'm fine." She smiled a little. "Anyway, I need to catch up wit Jaden and the others... Remember what I said about the dagger."

Jaden nodded a little, "No idea why." He was keeping his voice low so they didn't interrupt the conversation going on.

Antoinette looked up and nodded at Jaden before turning her attention back to the Colonel. When they were finished with what needed to be addressed, she looked at Jaden. "Are Victoria and Kitty coming soon?"

Jaden nodded, "Yes, M'lady. I believe so. Kitty was helping with the little ones and Victoria was helping with the other vampires."

2014-11-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "I'll remember."Rosetta smiled."Be careful."

Claude had no idea why he, Damian and Victoria where summoned to the war room.

Kitty walked into the war room."Sorry I'm late I was dealing with the kids."

2014-11-27 [GlamGamer]: Victoria nodded and broke out into a run again. She hesitated when she came across the soldiers, not sure why she was here. Then she was directed into the room by a guard.

Antoinette nodded to Kitty, "I'm glad you were able to help them. Hello Victoria. All of you, come further into the room. I don't bite."

2014-11-27 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana glared a little at Victoria, still hating her for being a bitch and bully.

2014-11-28 [GlamGamer]: Jaden stepped closer with the others, glancing at Victoria to make sure she would be alright. He could feel how nervous she was.

Antoinette looked at them all, then sighed softly. "I'm sure you're all curious why I've asked you here. So I'll get to the point. For now, you'll all be acting as the political representation of your race. Damion, you'll be under Kitty, but I thought you'd be helpful." She let that sink in for a moment. "I realize you guys may not want the title, but our laws dictate that when people are refugees here, they elect their representatives. Each of you are the oldest of your kind, and with the vampires knocking down our gates, there's no chance for a proper election yet.."

2014-12-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty nodded as she listened to the Antoinette."It won't take the vampires long until they knock down your defences."

"We need to find a safe place to hide all the students and have the teachers and a few protectors defend them."Wrath said.

2014-12-12 [GlamGamer]: Victoria just stood there, quiet because she couldn't believe what she'd heard.

Antoinette nodded, glad that everyone seemed to be alright with what she'd said, "Yes, I agree." She said to Wrath, "I have a couple options." She waved everyone over and grabbed little chess pieces she was using as place markers. "Here, here, and this one also."

2014-12-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana and Wrath moved forward a little and looked at the chess pieces.

2014-12-12 [GlamGamer]: "These two are easier to defend, but dead ends. This one has a way out, through here, but that's an extra place to protect." Antoinette pointed them out.

2014-12-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "I think we should use the third loaction."Wrath said.

2014-12-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette looked at it and then the others before nodding. "Alright." She looked at a couple soldiers waiting for orders and showed them where to evacuate people. "It will be tight, but safe."

2014-12-13 [Cerulean Sins]: "And it has an escape route."Luciana said with a nod.

2014-12-14 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette took a deep breath. "I guess all that's left is to fight then. If you need any armor and such, we should have extra. Good luck everyone."

2014-12-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana and Wrath nodded.

2014-12-27 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette watched as everyone left the room slowly. She could feel her nerves rising up, causing her to start having a panic attack. She waited a moment before she started for the door. It wouldn't do her any good to just stand there.

2014-12-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana and Wrath left the room to the armory to collect some weapons and make them into demon/anglic weapons.

2015-01-05 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette froze just before she left the room, turning and sitting behind it as she tried to breathe. She'd never been in war before, never dreamed she would have to be. Of course when she was younger, he summers were filled with taking courses her school didn't offer, such as war strategy, but there had never been actual risk of her people dying. Now there was. Did everyone just nod their head because she was temporarily a Queen? Were they discussing other plans to fall on when hers failed?

Andre paused in the council room door way and nodded when he found it empty. He walked away to the armory and made sure there was enough armor to go around. He'd gotten his armor on before helping with the moving of those unable to fight. "Where's Antoinette?" He asked Luciana.

2015-01-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana slowly rubbed the blade of a sword with bright golden fire as she looked at Andre."Have no clue. Last I saw of her was back in the council room. Why?"

2015-01-18 [GlamGamer]: Andre frowned a little and nodded, going off to the conference room. He looked around and frowned when he spotted her under the table. "Hey little bug, why are you under the table?" He crouched down to see her.

"I'm going to fail them. This will be worse than the school... I can still hear the kids screaming at the school... But now? Now I'll hear the mothers. I'm going to fail protecting them." Antoinette muttered. "I don't want them to see me like this either, but I don't want them to watch me fail." Before her cousin could argue, she held up a hand, "Hush. It's true. Ask anyone, I can't fight. Ask Wrath. He was suppose to train me so I could pass the stupid class and I think he would have given up soon enough. What's the point in training me. I was a coward the night my parents died. And I'm a coward now." She sighed softly and started to crawl out from under the table. "I don't want to hear it Andre." She whispered, walking away from him. She went to the armory and pulled on some of her armor on, leaving off what made her feel trapped.

Andre scowled and stood, following her out of the room. It was an odd behavior for her, but there wasn't enough time for him to do anything about it. So instead he watched her from afar while helping others.

2015-01-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana looked at Antoinette."You okay?" She asked as she buttoned up her leather jacket.


2015-01-19 [GlamGamer]: Antoniette looked at Luciana and nodded as she tightened her armor a little. "Just nervous." She gave a timid smile before walking away. She took a sword that wasn't too heavy for her and then a dagger before starting outside.

"Something is very off with her." Andre said softly.


2015-01-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Luicana nodded as she frowned." Yeah...your right Frenchy. Something is off with her."

2015-01-19 [GlamGamer]: Andre sighed softly, "I'll try to keep an eye on her.." He said before leaving with a group of people who were ready.

2015-01-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Luicana nodded as she strapped daggers to her thighs.

2015-01-28 [GlamGamer]: The whole castle shook as the vampires tried to get through the barrier. Antoinette stop outside, staring up at the glass like surface of the barrier. Large cracks had started to form and the people were desperately trying to fix them and strengthen it. She walked to the front and looked at the troops before looking to the generals. "Have youtlr men ready to protect the elementals. I want to pull the barrier down and get people out of there."

2015-01-31 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana walked out to the court yard and saw the barrier was going to break within a matter of seconds. She pulled out her sword Nd qLked over to Anionette."Best drop the barriers and fight,love."

2015-02-05 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded, "I know." She said softly before nodding to her generals to give the orders.

2015-02-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Luicana grinned a little."Lets kill some vamps."

2015-02-05 [GlamGamer]: The barrier dropped and the people who had been holding it there scurried behind the people there to protect them.

Antoinette held her breath for the moment before the battle began.

2015-02-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana glanced up and saw the sky full of Angels and Nepliums. She felt a stab of jealously at the fact she couldn't fly anymore. She shook her head and set her sword on fire as her body got covered in white flames.

Wrath was in the sky firing arrows down at the hundreds of vampires. He too was covered in white flames,being every much of a Star he was.

Rosetta was with the nymphs, to help heal the wounded....well whenever they have injured people.

2015-02-05 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette swallowed and closed her eyes for a moment before she started using her Earth magic to have roots pull out of the ground, grab a vampire, before forcing their bodies into the ground. The process killed them.

Damion was in the middle of the battle field, there to help the barrier Nymphs get further back into safety.

Jaden was up at the front of the fighting, where he liked to be. He showed no dexcression, tearing the vampires apart.

2015-02-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana ran into the fight and started fighting vampires,cutting off heads and setting them on fire when they made fun of her wingless Angel.

Rosetta chewed her lip as she listened to the fighting. She wanted to help with the war but she knew Damien would call her mother....or worse her grandmother.

Kitty was in her shifter form running around and tearing vampires apart.

2015-02-05 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette watched the battle and felt panic because there were so many vampires. As she looked around, she spotted one of her generals over-run with vampires.

Damion grabbed an injured elemental and picked him up, fighting his way back to the well protected sick bay.

2015-02-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Luicana created a fire ball and tossed it towards the mass amount of vampires that where still coming."Fucking Lilith has been busy. How many did she create?!" She snarled as she fought. She hated her dad for creating Lilith into a vampire. It had been the worst mistake of his very long life other than starting a war against God.

Rostta saw Damion fighting his way towards the medical bay. She saw a vampire going to attack Damion but he was busy defending himself with another vampire."Damion!!"She shouted as she ran out of the bay and as soon as her bare feet touched the cool grass...well she attacked. She stamped her foot on the grass then pushed her hands out in front of her and the vampire got swallowed into the earth.

2015-02-05 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette was fighting the vampires as she made her way to the general. But he was about to be overrun, and without thinking about it, the young girl took her dagger and sliced her wrists. Her blood had a strong scent to it, and newly created vampires would have little control when they smelled such sweet blood. The vampires on the general spun around and started running for her.

Damion looked over when she heard her, "Hey! You be careful." He said as he killed the vampire and ran over to her.

2015-02-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana saw what Antoinette did and shouted at her brother."Wrath!!!!!!"She pointed over at Antoinette.

Wrath looked down at Luicana's shout then he looked at the princes then he flew down to her and grabbed her."You silly girl." He snapped at Antoinette. He flew higher into the air as he held onto her tightly as he flew to the medical bay.

"I could say the same to you too."Rosetta shouted as she used her magic to fend off the vampires from attacking Damion.

2015-02-05 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette glared at him, "Wrath, put me down! I know what I'm doing!" She screamed as she fought to get free. When he wouldn't let her go, she found exposed skin on his neck and bit him as hard as she could.

Damion chuckled softly, "Always am."

2015-02-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath growled."Save it for the bedroom,Princess."He held her tighter as he flew faster.

Rosetta rolled her eyes."Yeah right. Put the guy on the cot over there."

2015-02-05 [GlamGamer]: "Wrath please!" She begged, looking over his shoulder as she tried to get her magic to work. But this high up she couldn't, "WRATH!" She screamed louder as the vampires she'd been distracting killed the general she'd been trying to save.

Damion eased the elemental onto the cot and winced when he saw the wounds, "Sorry the ride wasn't more gentle." He said quietly, making the man smile a little.

2015-02-05 [Cerulean Sins]: "What?!"Wrath snapped because he had no clue what Antoinette had been doing. All he saw was Antoinette bleeding and vampires going after her.

Rosetta hugged Damion."Glad your okay, Teddy."

2015-02-05 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette didn't say anything, she just started sobbing, resting her head on his shoulder. "He's dead..." She chocked out a moment later, "I could have helped.."

Damion smiled and hugged her back, "I'm glad you're okay.. You need to be careful, do you know what your mother and grandmother would do to me if you got hurt?"

2015-02-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath frowned as he comforted in the sky."Shhhh....its okay. Its not your fault."

Rosetta smiled a little."I know,Teddy." She took out a pendant out her pocket and put it around his neck."It will protect you. I've infused it with my magic to keep you safe and alive." Rosetta smiled.

2015-02-05 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette wrapped her arms around him, her blood trailing down his back slowly. "I could have helped, I could have." She sobbed even harder.

Damion smiled and chuckled at the length of the chain. It would still fit around his neck when he changed into a bear. He leaned in and kissed her cheek, "Thanks Flower. I'll be back later to check up on you. You know how to get my attention if you need help.

2015-02-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath flew out to the floor of the castle and landed safely there as he held onto Antoinette.

Rosetta smiled."Stay safe and don't die."

2015-02-05 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette held onto him tighter, shaking.

Damion nodded, "I promise." He hesitated a moment before walking away.

2015-02-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath rubbed her back ashe let her cry for a moment then he looked at her."Stop crying now."

Rosetta watched him go with a nervous look on her face.

2015-02-06 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette hiccuped a few times, pulling back and looking at him as she tried to stop crying.

Damion shifted into a bear soon enough, it would make it easier for him to fight.

2015-02-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "There is a war going on, princess and many of our people are already died. So dry your tears and put on your big girl panties and be brave." Wrath ordered softly.

Rosetta watched him shift into a bear and go into battle.

2015-02-06 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette's eyes flashed and narrowed a little, "He practically raised me Wrath. His wife is already dead and he has five children, and I could have saved him."

2015-02-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath sighed."Yes you could have but remember Fate is a bitch."

2015-02-06 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette raised a brow, "So is being picked up like a baby in the middle of war..." She sighed softly and shook her head, "No, I'm sorry, that wasn't called for... Thank you for saving my ass.."

2015-02-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath nodded."Ready to go back to the fight?"

2015-02-06 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded after a moment to catch her breath. " Lets do it."

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